"Indeed, contrary to Chávez’s attacks on oligarchic capitalism, the news of late[en america latina] is good. The economies of the region have entered their fifth year of expansion, unemployment is down, poverty is declining, inflation has dropped dramatically, exports and trade surpluses are high, and credit ratings have improved. Latin America did not get here by adopting the failed economic policies of Soviet-style socialism or populist nationalism of past military regimes, according to Reid. Rather, it was the result of a painful reckoning with elements of that past by modernizing technocrats in Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru who took the difficult steps needed to get hyperinflation under control, end the debt crisis and discipline fiscal policies. "
Este es Ted Piccone en un analisis de la situación política actual de America Latina.
Pero claro, el discurso oficial es que el neoliberalismo fue un fracaso.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Estamos mejor
Publicado por
Carlos Méndez
2:08 PM
libertad economica,
Libre Mercado