Bueno no exactamente, pero la desconfianza y el escepticismo hacia el estado o gobierno es un elemento esencial del la propuesta de limitación del poder estatal del liberalismo auténtico. Esta es la frase:
"One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to assume competence and benign intent on the part of political officials when deciding how much power to give them. We ought to assume the worst about them — about their abilities, integrity and motives — and only then, based on those suppositions, should we decide how much power, and what specific powers, we’re willing to vest in them."
Es de Gleen Greenwald, un abogado opositor de las políticas de Bush
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Liberalismo resumido en una frase
Publicado por
Carlos Méndez
1:27 PM
Pensamientos Liberales,
sociedad libre